Expert Resources

Tools to Navigate with Confidence

Whether you’re an attorney, a property manager, or someone looking to expand your knowledge of the expert witness field, our resources are tailored to empower you. Explore opportunities to attend virtual and in-person events, secure David’s presence for your next event, and browse through articles, case studies, webinars, podcasts, courses, and more.

Resources for Attorneys

We provide attorneys with strategic access to expert witness resources, enabling them to leverage specialized knowledge and insight throughout the litigation process.

Resources for Property Managers

Articles and guides tailored to empower property managers on the topic of utilizing expert witnesses.

Expert Witness Resources

Use this link to access all articles and guides on the subject of expert witness.

Speaking Engagements

Discover when David will be presenting in your region and request the opportunity to secure him for your next event!

Book David for Speaking Engagements

Discover when David may be stepping onto the stage and presenting in your region or request the opportunity to secure him for your next event!

Contact David